logo Personal Satellite Network, Inc.
Providing Global Satellite Communications for Everyone
1-800-590-2089 or 1-703-330-9028
founded 1996

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 Personalized Weather Routing by Ocean-Pro.com

Bob Cook from Oceam ProWith two decades of experience in offshore sailing, weather and communications, Bob Cook of Ocean Pro can make all the difference in the safety, speed, comfort and efficiency of your passages.

Click Here for more info on Ocean-Pro.



PSN becomes Ocean-Pro.com Partner
Ocean-Pro provides professional weather and routing services. Please visit their web site for all your maritime trip preparation needs.

Pre-Paid Iridium Calling Card
Great for infrequent calling! Check here for more details.

Mobile Handset Comparison
View a side by side comparison of Iridium, Globalstar and Inmarsat's price, size, voice quality and other parameters on out new mobile handset comparison page.

New Iridium WiFi

Iridium  Wifi makes the internet connection between  the phone and computer simple!  Now for Windows, Android, iPad and MAC.  See the Iridium GO! and the 9555 wifi adapter.

Update the time/clock on your Iridium phone

Iridium Direct Dial

Have an US Telephone number (+1) assigned to your Iridium phone to make calling simple and easy

GlobalStar Equipment

Globalstar Trade-up program for a FREE Phone

Globalstar free phone for one-year contract

GSA Pricing Available, call for quote

      The Isatphone2 is ready now-waterproof with a very long battery life

Emergency Calling

Download or view this article on making emergency calls on your satellite telephone.



Also, give a listen to the Globalstar and Iridium telephones in action.


iridium-dc1_c.jpg (13131 bytes)
Don Rickerson - PSN President, with his Original  Iridium phone.

Don Rickerson - PSN President, with his Globalstar Phone.

Your source of the latest personal satellite communications.

Who We Are ...

PSN  is a company dedicated to provide consumers with the latest in personal satellite communications. We are based in Virginia, USA, and have affiliates in Canada and other countries around the world.

Check out our News Letters and Press Releases to learn more about PSN.

Contact Information

Contact us at any time during our normal office hours of 9 AM to 6 PM local time (GMT - 5 hours), or place an order via our online.

1 800 590 2089 (Canada and USA only)
+1 703 330 9028 (all other countries)

Postal address
10317 Amberleigh CT, Manassas, VA, 20110-6616

Electronic mail (replace 'at' with @ when sending mail - we are trying to stop e-mail address harvesting on this site)
General Information: don at skyhelp.net