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PPP with Iridium 
(Download this doc in PDF format)  (download orginal Iridium PPP document)

Many people have problems with the installing or the operation of the Apollo software on their computer.  Here is a work-around that does not implement the Apollo compress, spoofing or initialization but still allows the connection to the Iridium PPP data service.  It is written as if you are putting it on Windows, but it could be used on anything that uses a PPP stack.   Of course, all computer advice is taken your risk.


Add a modem to your system

Settingsà Control Panelà Modemsà Add Modem

Check to add modem yourself,

     select Standard 19,200 bps modem for the 9500 unit

      or  Standard 9600 for the 9505 unit, click done

Data format is 8,1,N with Hardware flow control

After the Modem is added to your list of modem, select it, configure it for the correct COM port (typically COM1), then go to the advanced setting and add this initialization string



Add Network Connection

SettingsàNetworkàMake new Connection

Using the setup Wizard

Select Dial to InternetàSet up ManuallyàConnect thru Modemà

Select the Standard Modem (the modem you just added)à

Enter the number to the Iridium ISP as the telephone numberà 008816000025 (yes, this is the correct #)

Unclick “use area code”

Enter the login information as;

       username = directinternet

       password = directinternet


The Iridium ISP does dynamic IP assignment so no other Internet settings are necessary.


Note-- that depending on the specific PPP stack that they use, you may also need to disable compression.  Certain PPP implementations will work with compression on and others won't.

SettingsàNetworkingàIridium nameàPropertiesàPPP (settings)

Uncheck the compression boxàfinished


**For the 9505, you many have to open a terminal connection to the modem and to an AT command to clear the buffer before the initialization string.


Windows and Multiple Networking Modems


Windows has a “feature” that it will only allow one modem per com port to perform Dial-up-Networking (DUN).  Even though it appears you can assign more than one, when you attempt to connect, you will get a modem error. You can check this by using HyperTerminal to send a AT command to the modem, if you get a OK back, the windows is blocking access to the modem.  The official MS solution is to remove all of the competing DUN setting, reboot, and then start afresh with installing Iridium as your desired DUN connection.  This is not a solution for the many folks who have numerous modems configurations as there laptop travels with them for place to place or flip between DUN selections as other provides may be available.


We have found you can use a USB-to-Serial connection, in which you can he assign the Iridium modem to another com port, will over come this problem.  Since the Iridium DUN modem is assigned a different com port, windows does not see a conflict.  Some new laptops and MAC machine do not even have an external com port, so they will have to use this solution by default.