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Providing Global Satellite Communications for Everyone
1-800-590-2089 or 1-703-330-9028
founded 1996

Globalstar Update

Globalstar now has a TRADE-UP program to get a FREE Phone.

We now have GSA pricing on service and hardware, please call for a quote


Globalstar now has Pre-Paid service plans

Globalstar Info Center

Globalstar Service Plans
GlobalStar 1700 Bundle for 2013
GlobalStar 1700 User Manual
GlobalStar 1700 Pricing and Accessories
GlobalStar 1700 Specs
Globalstar GIK1700 Car Kit Manual
Globalstar GIK1700 car Kit Install Guide
Globalstar Data Express (Compression) FAQ
Globalstar Data Frequently Asked Questions
Globalstar Position Information - info on MPD or Mobile Position Determination , the technology used by the Globalstar System to determine the geographic position of a user terminal (UT).
Installing Globalstar Data Services with Windows XP
Globalstar and USB Adapter Info - Details on how to interconnect the Globalstar COM port to USB.
GSP-2900 Fixed Phone Data Solution - this is a solution for the limited distance for the data connection to the GSP-2900.
GCK-1410 Car Kit Technical Bulletin - Please read this document in its entirety as it contains important information about potential service effecting issues pertaining to the GCK-1410 car kit.
Battery Testing - A simple test that can be used to determine if the battery is holding a full or partial charge.
Globalstar vs. Iridium - an independent quality of service comparison.
Globalstar Read Me First! - this is a guide to using your Globalstar GSP 1600 for the first time.
Activation Cellular on your GSP-1600 Globalstar Phone - this guide helps you get cell phone service working on your Globalstar Phone.
Globalstar Data Setup - some great information if the normal setup provided in the Globalstar Setup Kit fails. Also has Windows XP settings.
Activation Form - You will need this to get your Globalstar phone activated.
Handset Manuals - A great set of handset  manuals are available at the Globalstar website.

Using Your Globalstar Phone - The basics of making a phone call on your Globalstar Phone.


GSP 1700 User Manual

Globalstar Voice Mail  





Listen to a Globalstar Telephone Call


Coverage Map


GSP 1700 Phones GIK 1700 Car Kit

To achieve rapid and sustained customer acceptance of the system, Globalstar will provide a worldwide low-cost, high quality service that combines the best of existing cellular service with the technological advantages of the Globalstar system to meet the needs of individual end users.

Low-Cost Service Globalstar will wholesale system access time to its service providers, and intends to offer its service providers effective average prices. Globalstar service providers will be free to establish their own retail pricing policies as appropriate to address local market conditions and regulatory requirements, while on average Globalstar retail prices will be approximately $2.00 (Can) per minute in North America. Globalstar believes that its pricing structure will promote a faster penetration for Globalstar service and a larger subscriber base.

The latest Global Coverage Map
Click to see larger version.

alaska_coverage20july00.gif (36550 bytes)
The latest Alaska Coverage Map
Click to see larger version.

Worldwide Coverage and Access; The Globalstar system will enable its service providers to rapidly and economically extend modern telecommunications services to significant numbers of people who currently lack basic telephone services and to enhance wireless telecommunications in areas currently underserved or not served by existing cellular systems. Further, the Globalstar system will enable international travelers to make and receive calls at a unique telephone number through their mobile handsets anywhere in the world where Globalstar service is authorized by local regulatory authorities.

Superior Call Quality; Increased Privacy Based on terrestrial simulations of the Globalstar system, Globalstar expects that its CDMA digital technology will enable it to provide digital voice services which will have better clarity, quality and privacy than those of currently used analog land-based cellular systems.

No Voice Delay Globalstar satellites' low-earth orbit of 1410 kilometres will result in no perceptible voice delay, as compared with the noticeable time delay and echo effect of calls utilizing geosynchronous satellites. Globalstar believes that its system will also entail noticeably less voice delay than medium-earth orbit (MEO) GMPCS systems and, in many cases, than LEO systems requiring on-board satellite call processing to support satellite-to-satellite switching systems.

Multiple Satellite Coverage; Soft Handoff CDMA combined with continuous multiple satellite coverage and path diversity (a patented Space Systems/Loral method of signal reception) will enable the Globalstar system to provide service to a wide variety of locations, with less potential for signal blockage from buildings, terrain or other natural features. Subscriber terminals will be able to operate with a single satellite in view, although typically two to four satellites will be overhead. Therefore, the loss of an individual satellite will usually not result in any gap in global coverage. Each mobile terminal will communicate with as many as three satellites simultaneously, combining the signals received to ensure maximum service quality. As satellites are constantly moving in and out of view, they will be seamlessly added to and removed from the calls in progress, thereby reducing the risk of call interruption.

Mobile Units; Globalstar handsets and vehicle-mounted mobile units are anticipated to be priced comparably and will be similar in size and function to current state-of-the-art digital cellular telephones. Moreover, Globalstar mobile units will use less power on average than conventional analog cellular telephones and are therefore expected to enjoy longer battery life. Dual-mode handsets will be able to access both Globalstar and the local land-based cellular service, where available